i SpaceLink

The SpaceLink Network.

IMPORTANT: SpaceLink is shut down. Check @Nexint's YT channel for more details.

There are 0 players online on play.spacelink.cc.

Spacelink is currently ....

SpaceLink is an Anti P2W network that has plenty of different unique gamemodes, with custom structures, custom features, and much more!

We currently offer Skyblock, Skygrid, Survival, True Survival, Bedwars and Factions!

Join the network now at play.spacelink.cc!

This build of our website is currently in development, and may be unstable at times. Please report any bugs to Nexint by using our socials.

+ Canary Added! Linked at the bottom of this description.
+ Custom 404 page added.
/ Bugfixes, Bugfixes, Bugfixes.
/ Apologies for the lack of "updates" here. Spammed all at once.
- Small downtime due to history deletion on our Github and Vercel.

Canary Website (If this leads to a 404, be warned.)

Github for hosting the site

Vercel for hosting mirrors

You, for visiting SpaceLink.


Remember: Jesus Loves You.